Jodi Sterle

  • Faculty Fellow for High Impact Practices


(515) 294-7997

119C Kildee


Dr. Jodi Sterle holds the Harman Endowed Professorship in Undergraduate Teaching and Learning and serves as the Associate Department Chair for Teaching in the Department of Animal Science. In her 50% appointment as the Provost’s Faculty Fellow for High Impact Practices (HIPs), Jodi works with Associate Provost for Academic Programs Ann Marie VanDerZanden to develop resources to promote HIPs to undergraduates and gather student input on their experiences participating in HIPs. She will also work to expand partnerships with departments and programs to increase awareness, opportunities, and participation of faculty in HIPs. In addition to teaching courses in domestic animal reproductive physiology, introductory animal sciences, contemporary issues in animal science, and a course on the art and history of livestock, Jodi advises several student organizations (CALS Council, Block and Bridle Club, and Bacon Expo) and has led eight international travel courses, including the United Kingdom, South Korea, France/Italy and Portugal.